Availability credits for unplanned production outages outside of the standard IBM Maximo and TRIRIGA SaaS Availability SLA of 99.9% can be claimedrequesteds. In order to request an availability SLA credit, please submit a case in the IBM Support Portal that includes the below information. If you do not know how to create a case, please refer to the following link: How To Create A Case
Customer Name
For example: Acme, Inc.Contact name and email address of the person requesting the credit
The production environment URL that was impacted
Month and year of the outage
For example: October 2021Start date and time of the outage experienced, including timezone
For example: Outage Start: 10-1-21 8:00AM AEDTEnd date and time of the outage experienced, including timezone
For example: Outage End: 10-1-21 11:00AM AEDTTotal outage minutes being claimed
For example, a three (3) hour outage would be 60 minutes x 3 or 180 minutesCase #'s of any cases related to the outage (Cases numbers are nine digits starting with ‘TS’)
For example: TS000000000
Please allow 10 business days for IBM to review the request and provide response / approval.