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User Roles

The Access Management application supports 2 actors - Managers and Standard Users. Each user in the Access Management application is granted an actor role by the "Role" assignment in their person information page.



A Manager is a Self Service Portal user that is responsible for creating Managers and Standard Users for a single customer and approving, rejecting, or removing accesses for a single customer. Managers have permissions to:

  • Create a Managers or Standard Users for a single customer. 

  • Deactivate users for a single customer.

  • Approve/reject access requests for a single customer.

  • View user accesses for a single customer.

  • Request user accesses for a single customer.

  • Remove user accesses for a single customer.

Standard User

A Standard User is a Self Service Portal user that utilizes the Access Management application to request accesses. Standard Users have permissions to:

  • Submit an access request for their user.

  • View, modify, and remove their accesses.

  • Deactivate their user.

Application Overview

List View

When first navigating to the Access Management application you will see the list view. This is where you can access user access records and create new users dependent on what your user role is.


Person Information

Once a user is selected from the list view you will be taken to their Person Information tab. This page contains the user's customer/vendor, role, and contact information. Here you can deactivate/reactivate the user and update their information dependent on what your user role is. 


Manage Access

To view the user's accesses you can select the "Manage Access" tab. The "Assets" table contains the assets the user has or has requested accesses for. Once an asset is selected in the table, the accesses related to that asset are populated in the "Specific Access in the Environment" table. In addition to viewing the user's accesses, you can remove or request accesses for the user in this page.

This page is also where users request accesses. Tool supports two user roles - standard users and manager users. Manager users have elevated accesses to manage the tool for their customer


Manager User

A manager user is a user in the Access Management Tool with a role assignment of MANAGER. Manager user responsibilities include:

  • Adding/removing users to the tool.

  • Granting users access to the customer they are managing.

  • Reviewing access requests.

  • Viewing, modifying, and removing user accesses.

  • Standard user responsibilities.

Standard User

A standard user is a user in the Access Management Tool with a role assignment of STD_USER. Standard user responsibilities include:

  • Submitting access requests.

  • Viewing, modifying, and removing their accesses.

  • Deactivating their user account.

Tool Overview

List View

The List View page is the homepage of the Access Management Tool. This is where you can view the user accounts you have access to. Manager users can view user accounts that have access to the customer they are managing from this page. Standard users can view their user account from this page.


Person Information

The Person Information tab contains user account details. These details include the user’s IBMid, name, email address, role, and customer(s) they have access to. This tab will also contain the customer a user is managing if they are a manager user.


Manage Access

The Manage Access tab contains the user account’s existing and pending accesses. Access records are filtered by selecting the asset in the Assets table. Once selected, accesses for the selected asset can be seen in the Specific Access in the Environment table below. In addition to viewing accesses, users can submit access requests for their user account from this tab. Go to the How to Submit an Access Request wiki to read more about requesting accesses.


Access Approvals

The Access Approvals tab is where manager users review access requests are approved/rejected in the "Access Approvals" page. Only Managers have access to this pagesubmitted for the customer they are managing. This tab is only accessible through the manager user’s account. Go to the How to Approve/Reject an Access Request wiki to read more about reviewing access requests.
