Versions Compared


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Access Type

Summary of Access

Self-Service Portal

Grants a user access to submit service requests in the Self-Service Portal for the organization the access request’s asset is linked to. For more information on Self-Service Portal access navigate to the Self-Service Portal page.

Client Communication Center

Grants a user access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the organization the access request’s asset is linked to. For more information on the Client Communication Center navigate to the Client Communication Center page.

Create sFTP Service Account

Creates an sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) service account for the asset the access request is linked to. This account should be used for integration (i.e. used by a program not by a user). For more information on sFTP accounts navigate to the SFTP page.

Create sFTP User Account

Creates an sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) user account for the asset the access request is linked to. For more information on sFTP accounts navigate to the SFTP page.

Update sFTP Account From IP Address

Updates the IP address the sFTP account can be accessed from.
Note: This action updates an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval.

Resend sFTP Account Credentials

Resends the credentials for accessing the sFTP account to your primary email.
Note: This action requests information from an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval.

Update sFTP Account Credentials

Updates the credentials for accessing the sFTP account.
Note: This action updates an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval.

Create RDC Account

Creates a Remote Desktop Connection account for the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the Windows server. For more information on RDC accounts navigate to the RDC User Guide page.

Reset RDC Account Password

Resets the Remote Desktop Connection account password and unlocks the account if the password expired. The new password will be emailed to your primary email address.

Note: This action updates an existing RDC account and does not require Manager approval.

Resend OpenVPN Account File and PDF Guide

Resends the OpenVPN account file and PDF guide to your primary email address.

Note: This action requests information from an existing OpenVPN account and does not require Manager approval.



Sign into the Access Management tool:


Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.


Select your IBM ID from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.


Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.


Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.


Select the asset from the list that you want to request Self-Service Portal access to. Obtaining Self-Service Portal access to one asset will grant you Self-Service Portal access to all assets linked to that asset’s organization.
Ex) Adding asset 10000-DEV will grant you access to all assets that are assigned to organization 10000 in the Self-Service Portal.


Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.



Creates a database service account on the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the database server. This account should be used for integration (i.e. used by a program not by a user).

Database accounts requested for Windows enhanced environments will be granted read/write access. Database accounts created for all other environments will be granted read access.

Note: Database service account passwords expire every 365 days. Passwords can be reset through the Access Management Tool.

Create Database User Account

Creates a database user account on the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the database server. This account should be used by the user requesting the account.

Database accounts requested for Windows enhanced environments will be granted read/write access. Database accounts created for all other environments will be granted read access.

Note: Database user account passwords expire every 90 days. Passwords can be reset through the Access Management Tool.

Reset Database Account Password

Resets the database account password and unlocks the account if the password expired. If a value is not provided for the new password, one will be generated and emailed to your primary email address.

Note: This action updates an existing database account and does not require Manager approval.

Self-Service Portal

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

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  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up the a list of accesses to choose from.

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  7. Select the access type “Self-Service Portal” from the list.

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  8. Once selected, a warning message will popup indicating that you only need to request Self-Service Portal access for one asset per organization. Click “OK” to continue.

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  9. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

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  10. Save the record to submit the access request. You will receive an email notification when your access request has been approved or rejected.

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Client Communication Center

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

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  3. Select your IBM ID from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Removed
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Removed
  5. Add an asset to the Assets assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  6. Select the asset from the list that you want to request Self-Service Portal access to. Obtaining Self-Service Portal access to one asset will grant you Self-Service Portal access to all assets linked to that asset’s organization.
    Ex) Adding asset 10000-DEV will grant you access to all assets that are assigned to organization 10000 in the Self-Service Portal.

    Image Added
  7. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  8. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image RemovedImage Added
  9. Select the search icon to bring up a the list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Removed
  10. Select the asset from the list that you want to request Client Communication Center access to. Obtaining Client Communication Center access to one asset will grant you access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the organization the asset is linked to.
    Ex) Adding asset 10000-DEV will grant you access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the organization 10000.

    Image Removed
  11. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Removed
  12. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  13. Select the access type “Self-Service Portal” from the list.

    Image Added
  14. Once selected, a warning message will popup indicating that you only need to request Self-Service Portal access for one asset per organization. Click “OK” to continue.

    Image Added
  15. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Added
  16. Save the record to submit the access request. You will receive an email notification when your access request has been approved or rejected.

    Image Added

Client Communication Center

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Removed
  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up the a list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Removed
  7. Select the access type “Client Communication Center” from the list.

    Image Removed
  8. Once selected, a warning message will popup indicating that you only need to request Client Communication Center access for one asset per organization and that you will be automatically subscribed to email notifications for that organization. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the unsubscribe option located in the notification emails. Click “OK” to continue.

    Image Removed
  9. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Removed
  10. Save the record to submit the access request. You will receive an email notification when your access request has been approved or rejected.

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Create sFTP Service Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Removed
  3. Select your IBM ID from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Removed
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Removed
  5. Add an asset to the Assets assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  6. Select the asset from the list that you want to request Client Communication Center access to. Obtaining Client Communication Center access to one asset will grant you access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the organization the asset is linked to.
    Ex) Adding asset 10000-DEV will grant you access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the organization 10000.

    Image Added
  7. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  8. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image RemovedImage Added
  9. Select the search icon to bring up a the list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Removed
  10. Select the asset from the list that you want to create an sFTP service account for.

    Image Removed
  11. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Removed
  12. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Removed
  13. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Removed
  14. Select the access type “Create sFTP Service Account” from the list.

  15. Image Removed

    Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Removed
  16. Enter an account ID for the sFTP account in the sFTP Account ID field. The account ID can only contain numbers and lowercase letters. Do not include the “sftp” prefix in the account ID.

    Image Removed
  17. Enter the IP address(es) where you will be accessing the sFTP account from in the From IP Address field. You can provide a single IP address, a comma delimited list, and/or a range. The value “*” can be used to allow access from all IP addresses.

    Image Removed
  18. Save the record to submit the access request.

    Image Removed
  19. You will receive an email notification to your primary email address when your access request has been approved or rejected. If the access request has been approved you will also receive a set of emails detailing how to access the sFTP account. One of the emails will contain an encrypted zip file. The password used to decrypt and open the zip file is located in the sFTP access record.

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Create sFTP User Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Removed
  3. Select your IBM ID from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Removed
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Removed
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  6. Image RemovedSelect the search icon to bring up a list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.
    Image Removed
  7. Select the asset from the list that you want to create an sFTP user account for.

    Image Removed
  8. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Removed
  9. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  10. Select the access type “Client Communication Center” from the list.

    Image Added
  11. Once selected, a warning message will popup indicating that you only need to request Client Communication Center access for one asset per organization and that you will be automatically subscribed to email notifications for that organization. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the unsubscribe option located in the notification emails. Click “OK” to continue.

    Image Added
  12. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Added
  13. Save the record to submit the access request. You will receive an email notification when your access request has been approved or rejected.

    Image Added

Create sFTP Service Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up a list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  7. Select the asset from the list that you want to create an sFTP service account for.

    Image Added
  8. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  9. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Added
  10. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  11. Select the access type “Create sFTP Service Account” from the list.

  12. Image Added

    Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Added
  13. Enter an account ID for the sFTP account in the sFTP Account ID field. The account ID can only contain numbers and lowercase letters. Do not include the “sftp” prefix in the account ID.

    Image Added
  14. Enter the IP address(es) where you will be accessing the sFTP account from in the From IP Address field. You can provide a single IP address, a comma delimited list, and/or a range. The value “*” can be used to allow access from all IP addresses.

    Image Added
  15. Save the record to submit the access request.

    Image Added
  16. You will receive an email notification to your primary email address when your access request has been approved or rejected. If the access request has been approved you will also receive a set of emails detailing how to access the sFTP account. One of the emails will contain an encrypted zip file. The password used to decrypt and open the zip file is located in the sFTP access record.

    Image Added

Create sFTP User Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Removed
  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up the a list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Removed
  7. Select the access type “Create sFTP User Account” from the list.

  8. Image Removed

    Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Removed
  9. Enter the IP address(es) where you will be accessing the sFTP account from in the From IP Address field. You can provide a single IP address, a comma delimited list, and/or a range. The value “*” can be used to allow access from all IP addresses.

    Image Removed
  10. Save the record to submit the access request.

    Image Removed
  11. You will receive an email notification to your primary email address when your access request has been approved or rejected. If the access request has been approved you will also receive a set of emails detailing how to access the sFTP account. One of the emails will contain an encrypted zip file. The password used to decrypt and open the zip file is located in the sFTP access record.

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Update sFTP Account From IP Address

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Removed
  3. Select your IBM ID from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Removed
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Removed
  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the sFTP account. This will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

    Image Removed
  6. Click the dropdown button for the sFTP account you want to update.

    Image Removed
  7. Edit the From IP Addresses field to the desired IP address(es) where the sFTP account can be accessed from. Updating this field will replace the current IP assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  8. Select the asset from the list that you want to create an sFTP user account for.

    Image Added
  9. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  10. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Added
  11. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  12. Select the access type “Create sFTP User Account” from the list.

  13. Image Added

    Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Added
  14. Enter the IP address(es) where you will be accessing the sFTP account from in the From IP Address field. You can provide a single IP address, a comma delimited list, and/or a range. The value “*” can be used to allow access from all IP addresses.

    Image Added
  15. Save the record to submit the access request.

    Image Added
  16. You will receive an email notification to your primary email address when your access request has been approved or rejected. If the access request has been approved you will also receive a set of emails detailing how to access the sFTP account. One of the emails will contain an encrypted zip file. The password used to decrypt and open the zip file is located in the sFTP access record.

    Image Added

Update sFTP Account From IP Address

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Added
  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the sFTP account. This will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

    Image Added
  6. Click the dropdown button for the sFTP account you want to update.

    Image Added
  7. Edit the From IP Addresses field to the desired IP address(es) where the sFTP account can be accessed from. Updating this field will replace the current IP address(es) the account can be accessed from. To include the current IP address(es) enter a comma delimited list including the current IP address(es) and the new IP address(es).

  8. Save the record to initiate the change request. You will receive an email notification when the IP address(es) have been successfully updated.


  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

  3. Select your IBM ID IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the sFTP account. This will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

  6. Click the dropdown button for the sFTP account you want to request information for.

  7. Scroll down to the Action section and click on the Resend Credentials button.

  8. The record is automatically saved in this case. Once processed, an email will be sent to your primary email address that contains the sFTP account credentials in an encrypted zip file. The password used to decrypt and open the zip file is located in the sFTP access record.


  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Modified
  3. Select your IBM ID IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Modified
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Modified
  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the sFTP account. This will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

  6. Click the dropdown button for the sFTP account you want to update.

  7. Scroll down to the Actions section and enter the new public key in the sFTP Account Public Key field.

  8. Select the Update Credentials button to update the sFTP account credentials.

  9. The record is automatically saved in this case. You will receive an email notification when the sFTP account credentials have been successfully updated.


  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Modified
  3. Select your IBM ID IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Modified
  4. Select the Manage Access tab. This is where you will submit the access request.

    Image Modified
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  6. Image Modified

    Select the search icon to bring up a list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Modified
  7. Select the asset from the list that you want to create an RDC account for.

  8. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

  9. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  10. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

  11. Select the access type “Create RDC Account” from the list.

  12. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

  13. Save the record to submit the access request.

  14. You will receive an email notification to your primary email address when your access request has been approved or rejected. If the access request has been approved you will also receive a set of emails containing the credentials for your RDC and OpenVPN accounts.


  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

  3. Select your IBM ID IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the RDC account you want to reset the password for. Selecting an asset from the Assets table will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

  6. Click the dropdown button to view the RDC account access record details and available actions.

  7. Scroll down to the Actions section and click the Reset RDC Password button.

  8. The record is automatically saved in this case. Once processed, an email will be sent to your primary email address containing the new RDC account password.


  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Modified
  3. Select your IBM ID IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Modified
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Modified
  5. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset linked to the OpenVPN account. This will list all of the accesses for this asset in the Specific Access in the Environment table.

  6. Click the dropdown button next to the access record that contains the OpenVPN account you want to request information for.

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  7. Scroll down to the Actions section and click the Resend Account Information button.

    Image Removed
  8. The record is automatically saved in this case. Once processed, an email account you want to request information for.

    Image Added
  9. Scroll down to the Actions section and click the Resend Account Information button.

    Image Added
  10. The record is automatically saved in this case. Once processed, an email will be sent to your primary email address containing the OpenVPN account file and PDF guide.

Create Database Service Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up a list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  7. Select the asset from the list that you want to create a database service account for.

    Image Added
  8. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  9. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Added
  10. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  11. Select the access type “Create Database Service Account” from the list.

    Image Added
  12. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

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  13. Enter an account ID for the database service account in the Database Account ID field. The account ID must:
    - Contain the prefix dbsrv_.
    - Only contain numbers and lowercase letters.
    - Not exceed a length of 16 characters.

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  14. Save the record to submit the access request.

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  15. Once the access request is approved and granted, you will receive the credentials for the OpenVPN account and database account to your primary email address.

Create Database User Account

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

    Image Added
  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

    Image Added
  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

    Image Added
  5. Add an asset to the Assets table by selecting the “New Row” button.

  6. Image Added

    Select the search icon to bring up a list of assets you have access to.
    Note: If the asset you want to submit an access request for is not viewable in the asset list, you do not have access to the asset’s organization. Follow the steps for “Scenario 2: Existing Client”in the Obtaining Access to the Access Management Tool page to request access to the organization.

    Image Added
  7. Select the asset from the list that you want to create a database service account for.

    Image Added
  8. Click on the row in the Assets table of the asset you just added. This will link the asset to the access requested in the next step.

    Image Added
  9. Add an access request to the Specific Access in the Environment table by selecting the “New Row” button.

    Image Added
  10. Select the search icon to bring up the list of accesses to choose from.

    Image Added
  11. Select the access type “Create Database User Account” from the list.

    Image Added
  12. Enter a reason for requesting this access in the Justification field.

    Image Added
  13. The database account ID will be defined as “dbusr_" + your account’s person ID.

    Image Added
  14. Save the record to submit the access request.

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  15. Once the access request is approved and granted, you will receive the credentials for the OpenVPN account and database account to your primary email address.

Reset Database Account Password

  1. Sign into the Access Management tool:

  2. Navigate to the Access Management page by going to the application menu and selecting Security → Access Management.

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  3. Select your IBMid from the list of users. This will open the Person Information tab for your user.

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  4. Select the Manage Access tab to view your accesses.

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  5. Select the asset from the Assets table that the database account is linked to.

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  6. Select the > icon next to the database account access record in the Specific Access in the Environment table to view the access details.

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  7. Scroll down to the Actions section.

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  8. Enter a new password in the New Database Password field or leave blank for a password to be generated for you. If entering a new password, follow the password requirement based on the database type.
    DB2: Passwords must be a minimum of 15 characters and contain a mix of two character types (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters).
    Oracle: Passwords must be 9-30 characters in length and contain at least two characters from each character type (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters).

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  9. Select the Reset Database Password button to reset the database password. The new database account credentials will be sent to your primary email address containing the OpenVPN account file and PDF guide..

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