2.1 Features Breakdown
List of TRIRIGA on Cloud Features supported by Category
| Standard | Flex |
Dedicated Infrastructure | Y | Y |
TRIRIGA Platform and Application Version(s) Supported | Current Version(s) Only 1 | Current Versions Only 1 |
Integration to External Systems | Y | Y |
Complex or Advanced Integrations | N | Y 2 |
TRIRIGA Platform Upgrades | Y | Y |
TRIRIGA Application Upgrades | N 3 | N 3 |
SSO (Single Sign On) / SAML | Y | Y |
Site-to-Site (IPsec) VPN Support | Y | Y |
Database Platform Support | DB2 | DB2, Oracle 4 |
Java EE Platform | WebSphere | WebSphere |
Server Operating System | Linux | Linux |
Environments | (2) PROD, NON-PROD 5 | (2) PROD, NON-PROD 5 |
Support for Third Party Applications | N | Y 6 |
Separate Reporting Database | N | Y 7 |
Advanced Reporting | Y 8 | Y 8 |
1 Current SaaS Platform versions supported: 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x. Support for 4.0 is expected by February 1, 2022 (pending certification process completion)
2 Custom class files not managed through the TRIRIGA custom class loader; specific WebSphere advanced configuration; custom SSO requirements
3 Customer is responsible for TRIRIGA Application Upgrades (IBM CDS performs platform upgrades)
4 Client must own Oracle License and sign an IBM letter of authorization. Clients must also purchase bare metal servers if using Oracle. Database version must be Oracle 12c
5 Additional environments are available at an added cost
6 Third Party Applications must be reviewed by IBM SRE Management prior to contract
7 Replicated production database on separate virtual or physical server. Available at additional cost
8 TRIRIGA Advanced Reporting available at an added cost
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